Wednesday 24 September 2008

K of E at BAC / Hauser Rehearsals


Kings of England did prettty well at Battersea Arts Centre last week. Dad and I performed a 10-15 minute version of an earlier lecture I had given at greenroom in Manchester. 'Recent Falls' is a response to a photograph I found of my father jumping into the sea in the south of France, 1958. In our vintage swimwear, I narrated and Dad performed a jump, a fall and a recovery, with some help from my mum who held cue-cards and ribbons for us.
We got good feedback from audience- and producerfolk, and Dad seemed to enjoy himself thoroughly.

The next morning I got up and travelled to Leeds Met Studo theatre where we (Hauser) are currently putting finishing touches to 'I Made You a Submarine' a new show directed by Swen Steinhauser.

We have all been ill and it has been hard going, but the structure is down and we are growing more confident. I'll write somethig more on this after our showing for students on Thursday.

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